A Journey to begin.

Friday, November 23, 2007

part time hobby

9 am:neslo:it's weekend

dedicate to sumone

yea..lame tak update my blog..
i've been busy wif colloqs n controls..'s weekend !!..
baru je td viewed my frens' blog..
thnx for uploading the videos..thnx dear..:)

it reminds me of sumthing since i've been here for 3 yrs...
n btul la laylaa..i rili enjoyed every part of the dances..:)

Institute of Practical Oriental Studies's Anniversary

thnx to all my frens..layla.k.lea..n olga!!
oso to da indian dancers..moyie..rajdave..avi.. anusya.. devendran..katya..
n here's their performance..:) ( bholi taro)
u guys did well!! credit to u all..

n yea..dis are all bout dances...
mama slalu ckp...g sane study bukan main2..
hehe...yea..i admit's only for part time always cums first...;) `


to be continued

Sunday, November 18, 2007

wish i

on bed:2.58am
currently listening to:

"hate dat i luv u"

i've been tagged by layla'm tagging 6 other bloggers..

5 things dat i enjoy bout my lyfe rite now

my favourite ppl

i have my fav ppl in my life..coz they r always be da 1st person when i'm in need...beside my family(of coz)..there r sum of them dat i rili lyke the most(mr.hippo!)..i'm so thankful to hev dem wif me in my ups n downs..
beby...thnx for being there fer me..:) luv u bucuk..:P

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68)

my entertainment

currently into blogging n listening to musics..i like dancing..i luv sketching...not colouring..
i write when i'm happy..i'm sad..even when i'm not in da mood talking to anybody..
weekends r da best tyme for movies..hehe( weekdays pun layan je kadang2)

my class

enjoy..? certain subjects dat i prefer..
suke patan..tak suke path phys..
suke hygiene even class die skema..sume senyap..
i lyke thursday coz after class je...rase mcm esok da cuti..even
da next day got surgery yg sooo memenatkan..
n i lyke my classmates! ngeee~

my wishlists

i wish i cud visit my frens in new york..sorry guys..can't make it..
i wish i cud hev my fav perfume ..nak2..
i wish i cud hev the best birthday wif my beloved ones
i wish for a digi cam lyke day..:)
i wish for a pink white adidas beg
i wish for a luck!

my routine

every morning i'll hev a cup of hot neslo
checking my emels, friendster kalo sempat msg my mom
then..kemas my katil..
go for class...balik sure penats after a long day
but jarang tdo .
i'll log in..checking again my emels or nething..
bukak internet..rehat..
take my dinner
then..baru la siap2 n rehat...

k...da penat type..dis 6 persons hev been tagged by me!




Saturday, November 17, 2007

ikut kate hati

currently it's 4 am! but i'm still awake..duh~

" wish i cud hev one of them "


"ikut kate hati"

kalo ikut kate hati binasa..abeh tu nk ikut kate ape ek..?
kalo ikut akal..hmm..
kalo ikut akal..akan fikir pasal ape hati kate..
i think all of us penah ikut kate hati..kan.?
sbb ikut kate hati ni..kite puas hati..hati pun hepi..
but kalo ikut akal..kadang2 hati kite x hepi...
sbbnye..ape yg kite pk utk kebaikan kite tu tak semestinye hepi kan diri kite..
i got the point aite..?

mm..follow ur heart...but cums with ur thoughts..
kekadang tu sumthing dat we decided turned out in a diff way..
things are to be chosen..not to be left out..
so...we jez need to choose..
i respect sum ppl yg choose for ppl's good...not for themselves..
but..sumtimes..we need to think bout ourselves first..

Richard M. DeVos: Famous Quotes: Life
"The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible."

baek ke?

3.13 am:neslo:depan laptop
currently listening to:

"go beckham go!"

today..i went to futsal match..cheer utk dak2 yg men bola..
it's like a routine for me...every sabtu...mesti pegi..
mm..arini futsal mcm bese..juz tgk2 org men..n for us yg tak men ni..
mcm2 perangai..ade yg komen2 si polan ni polan ni polan ni jatuh..
huhu..mcm2..but the funny part td was dis group of guys asyik jerit2..beckham..huhuhu..
i dunno y they keep jerit name tu even "beckham" tersebut da kuar padang..
maybe tade point laen nk in other words..nak cr point men capup..
it's ok if sape2 nk did makes sum of the spectators rase tak selesa..
i got the point when ade si polan ni menegur dat group of guys..
"eyh..chill aa korang kalo ye pun.."
..huhu..we all yg dgr mampu senyum je..
but....i agree ngn si polan tersebut...
they annoyed us...sian kat "beckham" yg tgh maen..chayo beckham..! haha..tetibe..

" A cup of neslo..? "

"aku mmg tak baek pun..engkau macam la baik sgt.."

mm...but overall..the match today was a bit fun..congrates to all yg men..gud game guys..
n for one of my fren..nice game dude...u "goaled" today..
penah tak terase ngn org yang tak rapat ng kite..
yea...feeling so weird when u have to terase wif sumone u're not close to..

"mcm la engkau baek wat muke kesian.?...ingat aku kesianla tu kt ko.."

hmm..i was like...okeyyy...tergamam sat..
at sum point..i was really terase wif dat words..
nk gelak pun da x jd..
eyh is it a joke..?? blurr sat mse tuh..
but..i turned up smiling again..juz ignore jek laa..
n only things dat cum in ma mind dat tyme..

1. yee...mmg aku tak baek pun...
2. die maen2 kottt..gurau je tuh..

"ala..die mmg mcm tu care gurau.."
huhu...i admit..
ini namenye mainan perasaan..
byk je factor nk cpat terase nih..
so..ape leyh wat...chill je..

entry yg paling x best nk tules...


"when it cums to a circumstance dat makes u feel soo down..u need a friend..indeed...."

Friday, November 16, 2007

i'll juz

**credit to angah..:)**

"if u want to keep close, i'll stay..
if u want to keep a distance...i'll juz walk away.."

neslo:11.35pm:watching suster ngesot

currently watching suster ngesot recommended by my blockmate...huhuhu..
first 5 minutes..i paused the muvi..aaaaa...takot nak tgk sorang2..hahaha..
then..layan blog sat...

buhsan..?..nak tgk..? kehs..juz click ere.."suster ngesot"
gudlak!epi watching...:)
yea..n dis one oso.."art of da the devil"

k..i got back my mood for muvi...hehe..
juz wish dat tomorrow will be a better day..

Thursday, November 15, 2007


breakfast mode:Neslo:9.42am
currently listening to:


Dear (____rejectee's name here____ ),

I regret to inform you that you have been eliminated from further contention as my Mr. Right.

As you are probably aware, the competition was exceedingly tough and dozens of well-qualified candidates such as yourself also failed to make the final cut. I will, however, keep your name on file should an opening become available. So that you may find better success in your future romantic endeavors, please allow me to offer the following reason(s) you were disqualified from the competition:

[Check all those that apply]

___ Your breasts are bigger than mine.

___ Your last name is objectionable. I can't imagine taking it, hyphenating it, or subjecting my children to it.

___ The fact that our finest dining experience to date has been at McDonald's reveals a thriftiness that I find unappealing.

___ Your inadvertent admission that you "buy condoms by the truckload" indicates that you may be interested in me for something other than my personality.

___ You failed the 20 Question Rule, i.e., I asked you 20 questions about yourself before you asked me one.

___ Your legs are skinnier than mine. If you can FIT into my pants, then you can't GET into my pants.

___ Your "Putting on a few, aren't you babe?" comment, given the 9-months pregnant size of Your Own beer gut, was inappropriate.

___ You failed the credit check.

___ I find your inability to fix my car extraordinarily unappealing.

___ The fact that your apartment has been condemned reveals an inherent slovenliness that I fear is unbreakable.

___ The phrase "My Mother" has popped up far too often in conversation.

___ You still live with your parents, and attending night classes to get your High School diploma, are slight negatives.

___ You mention your ex-wife's name more than you mention mine.



muahaha...'s friday..

it's white outside..suke..:)

mari belajar peribahasa

"i'm proud of u aliff ..:)"

sleepy mode:12.59pm

"bagai kacang lupakan kulit"

meaning: melupakan jasa orang yang pernah berbuat baik

hmm..actually for me it is quit fun to learn bout peribahase..
tapi tu dulu laa..when i was in primary school..
actually kan..ade citer yang nak dikongsi..
teringat pasal peribahasa kacang lupekan kulit nih..
reminds me to a long long long lost fren.. dirahsiekan..


tyme tu final exam.paper penulisan..
n we had to write an essay berpandukan peribahase yang diberi...
die dapat tajuk "bagai kacang lupekan kulit"
mcm bese..sume org diberi mase sejam utk mengarang cite masing2..
n dgn tekunye " si polan" ni mengarang cite psl peribahse tuh..
tulis punye tulis..abehla mase sejam yg diberi..
n was very hepi sbb i dpt tajuk yg i suke.."bagai isi dengan kuku.."

a week later..

waktu tuh final exam da abes..
n all standard 6 student tade keje..
stiap kelas bising..ade yg maen victim killer laa.
maen "skipping" laa.. maen nyorok2 pun ade..huhuhu..

n mase tu..i was in my class..borak2 ngn my frens..
suddenly..jeng2 jeng..
there cums our principal..
da whole class senyap..sunyi sepi..pandangan pade satu arah..

ketue darjah: "slmt pagi cikgu"

pengetue : " slmt pagi semua...harap semua pelajar datang ke kelas kamu ini utk mengucapkan syabas n tahniah kerana kamu sume da selamat menghadapi final exam baru2 ni..bla bla blaa......"

sume tekun je dgr ape yang pengetua katekan..
until sampai satu part...

pengetue: "sy tertarik pada satu karangan yang di tulis oleh kwn kamu..dan saye rase sy ingin kongsi dgn kamu pada hari ini..bla bla bla....."

n they keep listening........until.................

pelajar: "hahahha"

sume org gelak sakan pade ari yang sungguh indah itu...sian si polan..but..i admit..mmg pelik pun karangan die..
tau tak nape..??
k...meh nak citer..

alkisahnye mase paper bahase melayu ari polan yg sungguh tekun mengarang ttg kacang lupekan kulit..rupenye tersalah fhm..
instead of mengarang pasal sifat tidak mengenang budi(kalo diikutkan maksud sebenarnye..)
si polan tersalah karang...huhuhu..
n dis is da summary of da story..


" Pada suatu hari.aku berjalan keseorang pulang dari sekolah.Tiba tiba aku teringin hendak makan sesuatu.Aku berasa sangat lapar.Aku ternampak sebuah kedai di hujung sana.Kemudian aku pun berjalan menuju ke kedai itu.
Aku membeli sebungkus air kotak dan sebungkus kacang tanah.Aku sangat gembira.
Aku berjalan pulang ke rumah sambil makan kacang tadi.
Sedikit demi sedikit aku mengupas kulit kacang itu.Selepas semua kacang itu habis di makan. Aku membuang kulit kacang itu ke dalam tong sampah kerana cikgu kami mengajar kami untuk menjadi seorang yang cintakan persekitaran dan tidak membuang sampah merata rata(..he got the point gaks..hehe)
Aku sungguh gembira kerana aku dapat makan kacang pada hari ini.Tetapi kulit kacang terpaksa aku buang ke dalam tong sampah.
Aku terpaksa melupakan kulit kacang itu.Aku berasa sungguh sedih.
Itulah yang dinamakan "kacang lupakan kulit".

seyesly..even now..i think dat is the most "interesting" n pelik essay i've ever heard of..hehe..
n polan ni..dgr2 da jd sumone..hope to see u again laa..n sure i'll story to him again bout his essay...haha..kidding!
but..kalo pk2 balik kan..ade je point yang si polan tules in his essay..n at least..he got the to write the story..ngehehhe..


p/s: is like a cycle..once u are at the top..n maybe one day..u might be at the's lyfe..

huhu..guess..i need to sleep now..
tomorrow got lect in da morning..haiyak!!..

p/s: aliff..congrates dear! syg adek..


PMS? :depan laptop:hot neslo:11.42pm
currently listening to:

feeling better after i had a terrible day..yea2..
senggugut n class frm morning to 5pm..haih..soo penatsss..
finally i cum wif a solution for my allergic's NO SPA
i'm allergic to poston which is contained in most of da pain killer..
hehhe..bicang pasal "allergies" jap..
the allergies r maybe mate bengkak2,gatal2 n selaput putih kat mate

actually ubat ni bukan pain killer..
tp it is for muscle relaxant..(opss...esp during menstruation)
so anybody who got allergic prob to pain killer( esp poston )
dis is one of da solution..
thnx ruski teacher..
tgh surf internet sambil2 tgk muvi..
suddenly ternampak satu website psl friendship..

mm..sebut psl friendship...mcm2 jenis friendship ade..
kawan baek..kawan tak baek..kawan waktu senang..kawan waktu ssah..
kawan ke arah kebaikan..kawan ke arah keburukan...
kawan rahsie pun ade..? haha..mcm kekasih rahsie je..
in any way..juz diri kite je yg mampu pilih type kot mane title kite..

n these are those friendship quotes to share.
juz for 'pengisian mase' je...kehs..

"friendship quotes"

Japanese proverb: Friend Quotations
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

Christian H. Godefroy: Friend Quotations
When we hurt each other we should write it down in the sand, so the winds of forgiveness can make it go away for good. When we help each other we should chisel it in stone, lest we never forget the love of a friend.

W. Somerset Maugham: Friend Quotations
When you choose your friends, don't be short-changed by choosing personality over character.

Wayne Dyer: Friend Quotations
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Timothy Bentley: Friend Quotations
Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it.

p/s : sy syg kwn sy..kamu..? huhuhuk..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


"queen of ma heart"

"ibu..ibu ..engkaulah ratu hatiku..bila ku berduka..engkau hiburkan selalu.."

mm..sum parts of da songs..penah dgr tak lgu..i'm sure all of us penah dgr lagu ni..dis was my fav song mase kecik2..n i remembered my mom always sing for me..:)..kat tv3 always kuar dis songs for iklan susu...hehe...

buhsan...juz simply jotting sumthing ere..n for now..i juz can think bout her..
she have on9 date wif me tomorrow..can't wait for ****?? haha..mama kite jek taw..ngeh2..

kehs..nk tido..nyte!

to be continued~

how to release ur stress

4.37pm:getting better:neslo

stress out?? yea2..colloqs..probs here n der..seems can't be handled easily when all are jumbled are sum tips to share ..

Easy Suggestions to Release Stress?

What to Try if Your Mind is Racing:

StretchTake one minute. Bend, twist and lengthen your muscles. It helps to pump oxygen to your brain and help clarify your muddled thinking.

Brush your teeth. The water, the scrubbing can freshen both you breath and your outlook.

Pet your dog, cat, or pet. People who enjoy animals have dramatically lowered stress and anxiety.

"dis chomels.."
Keep a sense of humor. Find yours and help others find theirs. This helps to put things in a new perspective (see our Humor Section). *yea2..dis one works!

Tone down the self critic. Find and focus on the positive. Don’t let those 60,000 thoughts we think a day be so negative—break the pattern.

Avoid overindulgence on drugs, alcohol, caffein, or nicotine. They may help to temporarily escape. Realize they don’t reduce stress and usually add to it in the long run.

Get physical—performing some physical activity helps to work off your frustration and anger. *yep..i dance. n it works for me..:)

Talk it out. When something bothers you, confide in someone you trust.

Take a mental journey—in a bad situation (traffic jam)—learn to

breath, relax, take a little vacation from it all. Imagine the possibilities.

Listen to your instincts—pay attention to your inner voice. Sometimes all it takes is a minute to hear what your subconscious is trying to tell you—imagine the possibilities.

Turn your face toward the sun.Close your eyes for a few moments, and let the natural heat and light from the sun restore you.

What to Do If Your Body is Tense:

Roll your shoulders and sit up straight. When tense, you slouch and

turn inward. By sitting up straight, you send a message to your body,

“Everything will be fine.”

Relaxation is as easy as remembering to smile, chewing a stick of gun, or snacking on an apple. This helps to relax the stress that is stored in your jaw.

Get a mini massage. find sumone or do a self massage. knead the muscle groups inupper back, neck n shoulders.

Take a deep, long-bursting breath. Inhale until you feel ur collar bone and exhale dis 4 times, feel the tension flow out of u.. muslim..byk je care nk ilang stress..
dgn care bace quran..
amik wudhu'..
n solat sunat..


Like fragile ice anger passes away in time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


currently in front of my laptop:10.39am:hot neslo

dun hev mood for nething..juz scrabbing sumthing ere...
a cup of hot neslo n biscuits for ma breakfast in a cold snowy morning..
last nite i had a headache n my legs started to cramp..ouch!
i can't sleep well...(dats y pagi nih still feeling sleepy)
okeyy... wake up call frm my frens in mesia..(thnx a bunch!) for subuh rili
helped me at least to pakse myself bgn pg2 even i'm soooo not getting enuff sleep


cube tgk how he do da origami

currently listening to

"wind it up!"
buhsan.. be continued..

mcD love story

"comey kan baby nih..? damia.mish ya!"

currently not in da mood for book:6.34pm:about to sleep

A McDonald's love story..

A little old couple
walked slowly
into a McDonald's
one cold winter evening.

They looked out of place
amid the young families and young
couples eating there that night.

Some of the customers looked
admiringly at them.
You could tell what
the admirers were thinking:

"Look, there is a couple who has been
through a lot together, probably for
60 years or more!"

The little old man walked up to the
cash register,
placed his order with no hesitation
and then paid for their meal.

The couple took a table near the back
wall and started taking food off of
the tray.

There was one hamburger,
one order of French fries
and one drink.

The little old man unwrapped the plain
hamburger and carefully cut it in

He placed one half in front of his

Then he carefully counted out the
French fries, divided them in two
piles and neatly placed one pile in
front of his wife.

He took a sip of the drink, and then
his wife took a sip as the man began
to eat his few bites.

Again, you could tell what people
around the old couple were saying. -
"They were used to sharing

Then the crowd noticed that the little
old lady still hadn't eaten a thing.

She just sat there watching her
husband eat and occasionally sipped
some of the drink.

A young man came over and begged them
to let him buy them another meal.

The lady explained that no, they were
used to sharing.

As the little old man finished eating
and was wiping his face neatly with a
napkin, the young man could stand it
no longer and asked again.

After being politely refused again,
he finally asked the little old lady,
"Ma'am, why aren't you eating.
You said that you share everything.
What is it that you are waiting for?"

She answered,

updated from my friendster's blog

hahaha...sweet but funny..ermm...i'm sooooo ngantuks..



currently listening to dis song.i lyke!

Monday, November 12, 2007

currently listening to

1.55am:depan laptop:pathphys mode

currently listening to:

" i knoe i'm late ..but destiny brought me back to you.."
i lyke!

first impression

path phys mode:11.45pm

i viewed ma facebook...then i was attracted to one of da video sent by ma frens..
huhu.its quit funny coz the artist know how to change "censored" drawing to "beautiful" pictures..
yea2..mule2 tgk i was lyke..o my god!..haha..then it was finally done with a nice sketch..

dis video i got frm my frens..huhuhu..sape2 nk tgk..its juz a drawing...k..

"first impression is not always rite..duhh!!"

haha..tertipu tak..??
saje buhsan..haih..patan lect in da morning..aiyakk..
k..later ..tata!

ghulam:part 2

yey!..finally i did my pharmaco colloq td..alhamdullilah..really need sleep..but..i've sumthing to do..abeskan the 2nd part..aiyak..kk...dis the 2nd part of ghulam

part 2

rahib pun ditangkap..dia diarah supaya meninggalkan agamanya tetapi rahib menolak..lalu dibawa gergaji dan diletakkan di atas kepalanya dan digergajinya..tubuhnya terbelah dua dan keduanya melerai jatuh ke bumi..
budak tersebut lalu dibawa lagi kpd raja..raja berkata
"balik semula kpd asalmu"
budak itu menolak lalu raja memanggil sebahagian dr kumpulannya dan dikatakan kpd mereka..
"bawa budak ini ke bukit sekian sekian dan sekiranya ia tetap enggan,campakkan dr atas bukit.."
tiba di sana, budak itu berdoa kpd Allah..
" Ya Allah..tolonglah aku dgn cara yang engkau kehendaki.."
tiba2 bukit bergegar dan jatuh kesemua org2 raja tersebut kecuali budak itu..budak tersebut balik berjalan kpd raja..raja bertanya..
"mana dia kawan2 ku..? "
jawab raja tersebut..
"Allah telah menolongku menghadapi mereka.."
lalu raja memanggil sebahagian lagi kumpulannya dan berkata..
"bawa budak ini ke tengah laut..jika dia enggan,campakkan dia ke dlm laut.."

bila tiba di tengah laut..budak tersebut berdoa dan dgn doa yang sama..tiba2 perahu tenggelam dan semua kumpulan raja mati lemas..budak itu balik semula kepada raja..raja terkejut dan bertanya..
"mana kawan2 ku...?"
jawab budak itu..
"Allah telah menolongku menghadapi mereka.."
lalu budak itu berkata kpd raja..
" kamu tidak akan dpt membunuhku sehinggalah kamu menurut kemahuanku.."
raja terus bertanya..
" apa dia..?"
budak itu berkata..
" engkau kumpulkan semua org ramai di satu padang..kamu ikatkan aku di pohon kurma..kemudian engkau ambilkan satu dr panahku dan letakkan panah pada busurnya..kemudian engkau baca..Dengan nama Allah,tuhan budak ini..
kemudian engkau panahlah aku..nescaya kamu akan dpt membunuhku.."

lalu raja pun mengumpulkan org ramai di satu padang..budak itu diikat pada sebatang pokok kurma..kemudian satu panah diambil dan diletakkan pd busurnya..lalu raja pun membaca..
"Dengan nama Allah.tuhan budak ini.."
terus dipanah budak itu..panah tersebut mengenai bawah telinganya..perlahan2 budak itu meletakkan tangannya pada tempat panahan tersebut dan terus meninggal dunia..tiba2 org ramai yg melihat kejadian itu berkata..
" kami percaya kpd tuhan budak ini..."
lalu raja menjadi kelam kabut dan mengatakan..
"telah berlaku apa yg aku tidak mahu ianya berlaku.."
lalu raja menyuruh digali parit2 di laluan2 org ramai dan dinyalakan api..sesiapa yang lalu akan diarahkan supaya kembali kpd agama asal..jika tidak,akan dicampak ke dlm parit..
lalulah wanita bersama bayinya..wanita tersebut gementar takut dicampakkan ke dlm api tersebut..tiba2..bayinya bercakap..
"wahai ibu..sabarlah..engkau berada di jalan yang benar.."

hadith riwayat Muslim dan Imam Ahmad
hadith tersebut disebarkan oleh Imam Al-Nawawi dlm kitab Riyadhus Solihin di bwh bab Sabar..


p/s: dpt ke kite jd setabah tu..?..hmm..sekadar renungan bersama...
k..its bed time..nytes!

ghulam:part 1

"persis perjalanan hidup kita yang bukannya 'kebetulan'..kerana 'kebetulan' bertentangan dengan akidah kita..tapi adalah sunnah Allah yang akan terus berlaku"

Autumn Retreat 07'
4th nov 2007:sportzal

mm...last week..i've joined autumn retreat which was held at sportzal..
almost half day frm 9am till 7pm..quit lame was handled with gud presentation..
n a nice muvi saladin.

actually i'm not focusing on da prog itself..i'm about to write a story which i think it is one a gud teladan story to share wif..its HADIS GHULAM.
cite ni best korang..bace dulu..baru tau..


part 1
pada zaman rasulullah dulu...ade seorang raja yang mempunyai tukang sihir..
bila tukang sihir merasakan dirinya telah tua...dia berkata kpd raja tersebut
"aku telah tua. carilah seorang budak yang paling cerdik yang boleh aku ajarkan kepadanya sihirku.."
lalu dicari seorang budak dan tukang sihir itu mengajarkan ilmu sihirnya..

dipertengahan jalan menuju ke tempat belajar, terdapat seorang rahib..budak tersebut telah duduk sebentar mendengar ajaran rahib tersebut dan merasa seronok dgnnya..selepas hari itu, setiap kali melalui tempat rahib, budak tersebut akan berhenti dan mendengar ajarannya...akhirnya apabila tiba ke tempat ahli sihir, budak itu dipukul kerana terlambat..lalu ia mengadu kpd rahib..rahib berkata kpdnya
" jika kamu takutkan ahli sihir,katakan kepadanya bhw ibu bapamu menahanmu di rumah..jika kamu takutkan ibu bapamu keran lewat pulang rumah..katakan kepada mereka berdua tukang sihir menahanmu.."

waktu berlalu..dan pada suatu hari budak tersebut telah bertemu dgn seekor binatang besar yg menghalang laluan org ramai...budak tersebut berkata di dlm hatinya" pada hari ini, aku akan tahu siapa yang lebih hebat..tukang sihir atau rahib.." lalu diambilnya seketul batu dan dibaca "Ya Tuhan,sekiranya rahib lebih Engkau cintai dr tukang sihir,maka bunuhlah binatang ini dan berilah laluan kpd org ramai.."
lalu dilontar batu tersebut dan binatang itu pun ramai sgt kagum dgn budak itu dan mengatakan dia mempunyai ilmu yg kita semua tidak tahu..

perkara tersebut diceritakan kpd rahib..rahib berkata kpdnya
" engkau pada hari ini telah menjadi lebih hebat dr ku..kau telah sampai ke peringkat yg aku dpt lihat sekarang..tapi ingat, kau akan di uji nanti..apabila engkau diuji Allah, maka jgn sekali2 engkau memberitahu ttg ku.."

budak tersebut berjaya mengubati penyakit kusta dan sopak..dia juga dpt mengubati semua penyakit yg dihadapi oleh org ramai...suatu ketika seorang yg dekat dgn raja telah terkena suatu penyakit hingga buta matanya..apabila mendengar ttg kehebatan budak tersebut, dia telah membawa hadiah yg byk..dia berkata kpd budak itu "semua ini utkmu jika kau dapat mengubati hatiku.."

budak tersebut pun berkata
"aku tidak menyembuhkan sesiapa...hanya Allah yang dpt menyembuhkan..jika engkau beriman dan percaya kpd Allah,akan akan berdoa kpdNya dan Allah akan menyembuhkan penyakitmu.."

lalu si pembesar buta tersebut percaya dan beriman kpd Allah..budak tersebut mendoakan utknya dan matanya pun sembuh spt sediakala..pembesar tersebut dtg seperti biasa kepada raja..
raja terkejut dan bertanya kpdnya..
"siapa yang menyembuhkan penglihatanmu?"
kata pembesar tersebut
" Tuhanku"

raja sgt marah dan mengatakan
"ada ke tuhan selain aku..? "

lalu pembesar itu pun ditangkap dan diseksa hingga dia membongkarkan ajaran budak itu.budak tersebut dibawa kpd raja lalu raja bertanya kpdnya
"aku telah mengetahui kehebatanmu,sekarang kamu dpt menyembuhkan penyakit itu dan ini dan dpt melakukan itu dan ini.."
lalu budak itu pun mejawab..
"aku tidak dpt menyembuhkan sesiapa ..hanya yg dpt menyembuhkan ialah Allah..."
lalu dia pun ditangkap dan terus diseksa sehinggalah dia pun membongkarkan rahsia rahib kerana tidak tahan dgn seksaan..

to be continued...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

kisah zaman rasulullah


watch ere:saladin part 2

Saladdin is an animated series that is produced in Malaysia by Multimedia Development Corporation (MDec), featuring a story about a well-known warrior called Saladin, or Salah ad-Din, or Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi from Tikrit is present day northen Iraq. He's the founder of Ayuubid dynasty of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Mecca, Hejaz and Diyar Bakr and is also the Islamic hero who united the Muslims in the holy war againts the Crusades in the 12th century.

dis is one of da islamic historical anime..nice muvi..

kenangan terindah

buhsan mode

currently listening to: kenangan terindah

blurhh....neway...within dis few ym list frens keep sending me those links gelombang kuning..ape tu gelombang kuning..?? penah gak my first thought was "maybe ni pasal radiation ke ape kott..."muhahaha..bile pk balik..klaka jek..tade kene mengena lansung..huhu..n now..da tgk kat da utusan online..
at least i knoe ape tu gelombang talked to my mom dis morning.n she was so excited 'storying' me da hott gile..tak penah mesia mcm neh kot..
mm..but its a gud revolution any ways..sumthing hev to change..n its time for it..huhuh..
i sokong gak wif the ppl who've joined the "revolution" thingy in mesia..even i'm not a political type of person**uhukk**

huhuu..a bad example of a leader...wats wif his attitude..??...huhu..ssyes..

interview btwn information minister with al-jazeera...**sigh**

huhuh..merapu..nk layan pharmaco lg..ciao~

a new fresh start

dikir puteri

currently listening to:

"bermohon sembah.sembah berhajat.hajat berasal kayangan puri.hamba puteri imbas berempat.turun bermalam serata negeri."

hehe..seyesly..i'm addicted to dis song now..keep playing it for da last few minutes..hahaha..gosh!
aiyaakkk..pharmaco paper kat atas meja..huhuh..pereriv otak blurrr da..cannot take it anymore..
last nite we had a dance practice at 9th floor with olga her friend katya.
they r all so peramah..i guess they dun hev prob to communicate wif us..imagine dat si olga can speak well in malay while katya keep chatting wif ma indian fren in hindi..hahaha..thumbs up katya!. salute laaa...even me can't speak russian very well (sgt kott)..but..they can even use our loghat melayu bese..hahaha...

it's been a while since i started to hev dance practice...enjin da berkarat..=p...ngeeee~so..i keep walking hinjut2..( zizi said...i was like babushka heading to tupli..ngoks..haha...)
soooo penat last nite but i rili2 enjoyed...katya was practising indian dance while olga was wif me practising da malay dance..fair n square..;)..they both seems hepi with the dance n i rili2 hope dat we can put much effort to bring out the best performances during da day..
oh ya..actually..its for their uni they hope for sumthing different which is not their cultural performances..but ours..:)..yey!

wat made me hepi last nite

i was very2 lapar last nite..n rumate tapau for me a bowl of soto..best2..thnx ain..sedap2..
then..a few hours later..i lapar balik..then..sumone gave me chicken curry..n nasik..for da 1st time die masak.. hehhe..i gv u piat!!...thnx dude..kenyang balik...
but the most happier things happened last nite practice..thanks for all da effort both of u guys..dtg jauh2 juz for dance practice..really appreciate it..:)
n i hope dat we can meet again on dis thursday..(can't wait!!)
mm...n not forget...layla n k.lea thnx a bunch dear! with da steps.. dok pk2 steps frm da before lg..
hehe..even everyone is busy wif alll the colloqs n wat so eva...but..still gv time for dis thing..tenkiu..:)

hmm..ape tasha merepek ni..?
syuh2.g sambung pharmaco..i guess..i hev to stop ere..nnt lg pjg i merepek..

click ere
deyi's performance

n one of da dance video clip dat i wish to be at there....seyesly!!...